Make Magic provides Calgary with a venue to experience the very best in the world of Magic. Offering exceptional Close-up Magic, week after week, to Magic fans and Magic curious alike.
Modern Magic has many different styles, personas, and tones; join us each week to experience this range and diversity for yourself.
From time to time, we bring in internationally renowned Magicians, providing Calgary with access to the best Magic from cultures and communities all over the world.
The conjuring arts are a varied and wonderful theatrical artform with a rich history, come join us and be part of the Magic.
Created by Carisa Hendrix, the artistic director of ballyhoo entertainment in collaboration with Gwyn Auger (The Magician’s Assistant), Jeff Robertson (Executive Office Management at Ballyhoo Entertainment) and Escoba Bistro.
Meet us at Escoba 624 8 Ave SW, across from the Globe Theater.